Pros and cons of Hiring in-house-Android app developers Vs Remote Android App Developers


Android app development is a process of developing mobile application for businesses especially for android platform using android supported frameworks and tools. Just like any other development, Android development also occurs in several stages or phases known as android development lifecycle.  Android Development Company has basically many types of android developer’s namely in-house android app developers, remote android app developers, and offshore android app developers. In this blog we will explore the pros and cons of hiring in-house android app developers and compare them with remote android app developers.

Understanding the roles of In-house android app developers

At times it becomes essential that presence of the android app developers is essential in resolving the real time technical issues especially in the case where the field works is done by sending people for tax collection, collecting electricity bills, distributing ration using android apps.

In such a scenario real time problem solving is required and for quick removal of the bug, errors or adding features immediately on android apps we need an in-house developers who can work on daily basis as regular salaried employee for the company or organization. These developers are high salaried app developers and can be a costly for small or mid scale business. Only large scale businesses opt in for in-house android developers as they do not have any budget constraint.

Benefits of hiring remote android app developers

Access to global talent

When business owners opt in for hiring remote android app developers they can access the global talent pool where they can employee android developers for hourly basis tasks and get their development task complete module wise. For android apps that are multi featured, and need excellent UI/UX designs in cost effective ways hiring remote android application developers is a best idea.

Scalability and flexibility:

Android apps must be scalable for any size businesses. The android app performance can be affected if multiple employees login to the android application at the same time and perform business tasks. That is why at the very beginning when the android application is being developed the scalability feature must be considered. Remote android app developers can work in flexible hours unlike in-house developers who work only on the business hours.

Hire specialized person with appropriate expertise

At times we need specialized and professional person in specific field for integrating cutting edge technologies in android applications. Remote android app developers with expertise in appropriate technologies can be selected for android projects.

Challenges with hiring remote android app developers

The most prominent issue business owners faces while hiring remote android app developers is confidentiality, and security concerns. Sharing the business process, workflow to offshore companies might be a risky affair for entrepreneurs or startups. That is why they pay extra to hire in-house android app developers rather than hiring in-house developers.

To sum up we can say that both in-house and offshore remote android app developers have their own pros and cons. The selection of the app developers must be done as per unique business needs so that business remain safe from any vulnerable data attacks, and help business grow exponentially with proper implementation of android apps in business.

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